Monday, March 3, 2008

Special Skills For The Personal Interior Designs

Every person wants to be recognized as an individual with special skills, values and talents. These attributes are often displayed in the way we dress, the way we act, the friends we choose and yes, the way we decorate our homes.

For instance, interior designers believe that choosing glass as a means of interior decorating speaks about attributes such as inner beauty, fragility, tenderness and luxury. It's in romantic natures to opt for tiffany lamps or crystal chandeliers. Yet, these are expensive products. Wouldn't it be better to try a little interior decoration of our own?

A personal design mirrors our very essence, hidden feelings and traits we often disregard. Is it safe to expose them? Is it safe to let people know who we really are? Yes, because that's what it takes to make out of interior decorations a real art: to give something to the world, to create.

Creating our own interior design means taking a personal risk. It's not fear, it's just the emotional stress: whether the design we have in mind will come to fruition as we picture it or not, whether people will see it as we do and accept it as a work of art, as a statement of personality or they will just reject it, thus rejecting us.

No matter what, as long as it comes from the heart, this interior design, as any artwork, will be rewarding. Are you willing to take the risk? It would be safe to follow trends, to imitate what you see in magazines. You will not fail: those are professionals; they do interior design for a living. Follow their advice; even hire one if you want, but then, where is your real reward? You'll hear from your friends: "Wow! This is great!" But is this really for you? To do so is to ruin your own talent.

So look inside yourself, think what really matters to you. Let's say you have a thing for dream catchers. So create a design where the dream catcher will fit: ambiguous shapes and shades, obscure lights, fantastic pictures on the walls. If the world you imagine doesn't exist, create your own world! Let your passion drive your mind: don't be afraid to use unusual materials. Anything will do: from broken glass and marbles to tree branches, from dried plants and feathers to paper folds, from broken pieces of a mirror to wood chips or metal accents, from sea shells you color with acrylics to unexpected artworks on canvas.

It's sometimes hard, but don't give up. Great works of art need time and you have time on your side. There's no rush. Your home is your temple, so make it holy for you!

Don't be afraid of what people think. They cannot see the world as you do. They do not feel the same, nor think the same. But when your work is done, astonishing in its beauty, they do not need to understand its meaning but to know it's unique: as unique as its creator - YOU.