Monday, April 28, 2008

Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Bedroom decorating ideas do not always have to start in the bedroom. You can incorporate elements from nearly every other room in your home to this private area. Many interior decorators will say that your sleeping area should be a sanctuary and this is quite true. A really comfortable sanctuary consists of more than a bed and a nightstand.

The first thing to do when deciding what elements you want for your nightly retreat is to take inventory of your favorite things. You may find that an indoor water feature calms and relaxes you. It makes sense that such an item be used as part of your bedroom decorating ideas.

Some would argue that an indoor water feature belongs in an entry way or a family room but I beg to differ. The reason that this element is so suitable for bedroom decorating ideas is because it is so calming and relaxing. The item may be attractive and you may like the idea of having as many people seeing it as possible but it may not serve its purpose in certain areas of the home.

An indoor water feature can bring attractive charm to any room. However, the soft sounds of the trickling water are not always noticed or appreciated in noisier areas of the home. What good do the soft sounds do in a noisy family room? These gentle noises have to compete with games, computers and television.

While having an indoor water feature in an entry way is wonderful, the impression is not long-lived. The admirer has only a moment or two to look at the object. She doesn’t really get to listen to the sounds or watch the mesmerizing display. It is a great object in passing but its potential isn’t maximized in this environment.

Bedroom decorating ideas rarely include an indoor water feature but I am adding the element to the list. I believe that the soothing sounds will help me drift off to sleep. The item is relaxing and it is reminiscent of a spa. I can imagine listening to the water fall after a hot bath. What a perfect retreat.

Deciding to incorporate a small feature like this into our bedroom decorating ideas is relatively unusual. However, the uniqueness of the concept is part of what makes the room so special. Creating a sanctuary involves choosing items that calm and relax you even if those items are typically used in other rooms.

Kitchen Remodeling Plans

Designing and building the perfect kitchen remodeling plans can be a nightmare for any homemaker. This is the reason why so many people get professional kitchen remodeling by a contractor or interior designer, instead of doing it themselves. Planning kitchen remodeling is one of the biggest headaches that I know of, and kitchen remodeling costs are high enough that it really just doesn't make sense to take any risk of getting it wrong. You kitchen remodeling plans have to be right first time, and you have to do the job perfectly, or else you'll never forgive yourself for the amount of hassle and inconvenience that your mistakes cause. Take it from me, I know how bad it got you kitchen remodeling job can be.

Of course, there are tools available today that did not exist yesterday which will help make your kitchen remodeling plans much easier to design and execute. For one thing, many people like to use kitchen remodeling software. This is basically just standard architectural room layout software, turned to the uses of kitchen remodeling. Although you do not have to use the software for your kitchen remodeling plans, many people find that it is easier than using graph paper. If you make a mistake, it is a cinch to just wipe it out in style over again, and the software often gives you all kinds of helpful tips that will make your kitchen remodeling plans easier if you have never had experience making them before. Unless you have plenty of experience using graph paper, I recommend that the first time you draw out a new kitchen remodeling plan, you do it on one of these architectural programs.

Of course, even if your kitchen remodeling plans are perfect, you may do well to consult an expert. They will know a lot that you do not know about what plans work and what do not, what kitchen remodeling plans are easy to put together and which ones are likely to cause problems, and what is the most economically efficient way to fix and remodel your kitchen. I think in most cases, it is only stubbornness the causes people to plan and execute every stage of their kitchen remodeling plans without any outside help at all. If you are willing to get outside help, you will see how much it in the ease the process of remodeling your kitchen. Before you try doing all that hard work yourself, you should at least consider it.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Effects Of Blue Interior Designing Concepts

Wherever we go, wherever we turn, a shade of blue always follows: the sky, the ocean, blue flowers and birds, blue mountain tops and deep blue lakes. Blue is a calm, restful color, perfectly suitable for interior design, especially for bedrooms. It's a Mediterranean color, one that reminds of the summer and the sea, a define mood booster. For this reason interior designers started to use this color in offices, day rooms and even to decorate summer gardens and kitchens.

Blue in offices has a good impact on the attentiveness of the workers. People are more productive in blue rooms, focused and creative. Even sportsmen perform better in blue rooms. Blue generally symbolizes harmony, peace, healing and happiness, but it could have "dark" meanings too. Lovers of blue tend to be introverted. While pale blue describes a happy personality, as the blue gets darker it becomes moody and depressing, especially when it's not associated with "positive" colors. Too much blue for a room and that space will become gloomy and depressing. Interior design deals with shapes and colors, combining them to create a pleasant atmosphere in every home.

Navy blue is a dark color that requires careful employment in a design composition. But used in the right amounts and on the right spots, navy blue can be the decisive element to enhance a design transforming a primarily dull space into an oasis of joy. Navy blue is the color of the deep seas. It's used often in designing the interiors of beach hotels and terraces. It reminds of handsome sailors (NAVY sailors do have those already famous navy-and-white striped t-shirts) and sailing adventures. What could better boost your mood than a dining room bathed in summery lights, where the 5 o'clock ice tea waits for you on a navy-and-white striped placemat?

If you are going to use navy blue to decorate your bedroom, you should always combine it with light, positive colors: white, camel, light beige, light gray, pearl. To make the blue décor even subtler, you should paint your walls in white or light beige. You could always use navy-blue furniture and bed sheets to create that nautical effect you long for. Decorating the walls with paintings or posters depicting the sea will enhance the interior design of your bedroom even more.

Another room suitable for navy-blue decorations is the bathroom. White and navy blue tiles could create a chess pattern on the floors and for some perfect decorative accents you could spread some blue tiles among the white ones on the walls. Navy blue bathroom vanities are rare and quite expensive. If you cannot afford them you still have the chance of bringing navy blue in the bathroom: vases, curtains, towels and other interior design accessories. And don't forget mirrors, to complete the luxury feeling already conferred by the richness of the color blue.

Take care about using carpets in navy blue in rooms with large windows. Fabrics exposed to direct sunlight lose the brightness of their colors because of the UV light beams. If you do have such windows and are very fund of your navy-blue carpet and curtains, consider isolating the glass of the windows with UV resistant filters.

Interior Designing For The Teens

In all aspects of life teenagers are starting to express themselves and assert their identity. That is why if they liked the music you played when they were 10 years old, they will very quickly consign that to the box marked "un-cool". The same is true of household decor or interior designs.

Fortunately it is relatively easy to work with your teen to give them much of what they want without too much financial of other sacrifice.

In most homes we are talking about the teenager(s) bedroom though if you have space a teen den or games room in the loft or over the garage is a cool idea.

A few design tips:

# rooms need to reflect the growing demand for independence, whilst still being a safe haven

# a games room or den is a great place to bring friends back to; you will be reassured that they are safe & not hanging out in some unknown "dive". Watch out, though, as they will raid the refrigerator for food and drink!

# rooms which teens grew up in will suddenly feel too childish, prompting a sudden desire to revamp or remodel

# the open door policy to a child's bedroom will also give way to greater demands for privacy. But if you can do not put everything they need in the bedroom or you may never see your teen again! If you can (and it is very difficult) try to resist the demand for a TV and computer in the bedroom. If your children had them before age 10, it may be too late to get out of this situation.

Colour and style

This is easy to deal with and also can make you appear to be a pretty cool parent. Work with your teenager to choose the colour scheme, even if you think you would never, ever, use black, purple or psychedelic patterns on the wall or ceiling.

For practicality use standard emulsion paints that are easy to retouch or change as tastes change. Walls and ceilings will soon be covered in posters and so on, but as long as the wall construction is sound you do not need to worry about sticky tape or Blu-tack (Fun-Tak) on the walls. Picture tacks and drawing pins are not the end of the world - just impose some adult rules about safety in relation to electric wiring and plumbing.

If graffiti is a design idea why not paint one wall in special black-board (chalk-board) paint?

Storage and furniture

You will probably want to work with what you already have in the interest of economy. But remember a growing teen will need a bigger stronger bed, which always raises the possibly embarrassing issue of whether it should be a double bed. Likewise bigger and more clothing calls for a taller wardrobe.

What ever you do make sure there is plenty of storage space and hooks on door backs. It will not prevent the sedimentary accumulation of clothing and detritus on the floor but at least there will be no lack-of-space excuse.


If you can separate function, DO SO! If you can separate play from study then you will have visibility (if not control) of your teen's time management. In an ideal environment split sleep, study and play if possible. You may say that there is insufficient space but you could cheaply install a desk, a light and a computer under a staircase.

You might be able to clear out all the junk that usually lingers in a garage; old tins of paint, golf clubs and so on often mean there is no room for the car. With a bit of thought a corner of the garage could be turned into a teen den. Put down some end-of roll carpet, a second hand club sofa and an armchair, a book shelf, some anglepoise lamps or spot lights and a mp3 docking station plus hi-fi amplifier. A quilt or throw and an electric fan heater work well for colder nights. Your teen can chill out here with friends and have their own private space. And it will not matter too much whether it is neat and tidy in adult eyes.


Finally, interior design with a teen in mind is one area where you do not need to feel that you are making a concession or sacrifice to a rebellious or angst-ridden offspring. In fact you may not get the appreciation you deserve for your efforts until your teen is ready to leave home for college or the big bad world. The acid test then is to see if they still want to come back to stay in the room they grew up in (and to eat good old fashioned home cooking!).

Monday, March 24, 2008

Give your room a new look with Bamboo Curtains

If you're thinking of giving a room a new look, here's an idea that requires only one change that “makes over” an entire room's look, regardless of style of existing decor. What is this silver bullet of decorating? Bamboo curtains. With their warm tones and sleek lines, this window treatment creates a natural sophisticated feel that fits right in with a variety of furnishings and brings unity in a very special way.

Bamboo has been used as a decorative accent for centuries, as window coverings and as living plants in the garden. Bamboo has special and positive symbolism in different cultures. In China, bamboo connotes longevity, while in Japan, it's used at shrines to warn off evil spirits. In India, bamboo signifies friendship. With such pleasant associations, these curtains can add an exotic spicing to your decorating with the additional benefit of being very durable, good-looking and easy to maintain.

As a window treatment, bamboo curtains, shades and blinds are very popular today in both home and office environments, due in large part to the natural beauty in combination with their sturdy characteristics.

Bamboo curtains are still made in the traditional manner, with a little help from new technologies. Bamboo curtains are made by cutting thin strips of the cane, followed by boiling and then drying of the strips. The prepared bamboo is then woven together with thin wire and fitted to a top piece of wood to form the finished bamboo curtains. Simple screw hooks secure the curtains in place at the top of the window. You'll find various mechanisms used to raise and lower the curtains, from a simple roll up to the more sophisticated Roman fold.

Ease of maintenance cinches the case for bamboo curtains. Unlike conventional drapes, these curtains don't require periodic visits to the cleaners. Using your vacuum's brush attachment or a feather duster sprayed with a dust-attracting spray, a quick going over once a week will keep your curtains clean and attractive. You may also use regular furniture polish on a damp cloth to impart a sheen to the surface.

Some styles of bamboo curtains are made with exotic grasses and reeds interwoven with the bamboo, producing striking combinations of colors and textures, lending a natural yet sophisticated look to their surroundings. Currently a favorite of the interior designer, with good reason, bamboo curtains are in demand with their clients. As a home decorator, you should take the hint!

Although comparatively inexpensive when matched against conventional drapes, prices of these curtains vary with complexity of design and the rolling mechanism the curtain employs.

Bamboo curtains are sometimes decorated with murals which can make a stunning display in a room with modern furnishings. Other, plainer styles can be perfect for a lanai or enclosed porch.

With all of these aesthetic and functional qualities, the popularity of bamboo curtains is no wonder. If you want to make over a room, look into the possibilities of these curtains for your home or office.

Bedroom decorating ideas

When I was a kid, all of my bedroom decorating ideas, and my bedroom decoration itself, came from my parents. It was really easy. Terms like bedroom decor ideas are not even really essential for little ones after all. All I really needed was stuffed animals and a comfortable quilt, and I would be happy. My parents came up with all kinds of great bedroom decor ideas on their own. They put up a picture of the solar system on my wall and even got me a bed that looked like a spaceship when I became interested in astronomy. Another time, they decorated my bedroom to look like one of my favorite cartoons: Danger Mouse. All in all, they had fantastic bedroom decor ideas for me, but as I began to enter adolescence, I knew that I needed to take over and make my room my own. After all, I am 13, and no longer a little girl.

Now, most of my bedroom decor ideas come from my friends. We love to get together and talk about how we like to set up our rooms. After all, aside from the clothes you wear, there is nothing that you can use to express yourself better than the way your room is decorated. That is why it is important to have the right friends. Although a lot of my bedroom decor ideas come from myself, there are a lot more of them that come from other people that I know and get to talk to. For example, my friend Michelle came up with the brilliant bedroom decorating idea of making everything, and anything in sight, pink. Oh I know, once it occurs to do it will seem obvious; it seems obvious to me now, but this is one of many bedroom decor ideas that I would not have come up with on my own. Michelle is such a girly girl though, that ideas like that come naturally to her. One of her other brilliant bedroom decor ideas was to replace my pillows with frilly ones with pictures of hearts on them.

I do not know if I have caught her fever for making a room look fantastic, but all this talk of bedroom decor ideas has made me think of my future. After careful consideration, I have figured out that I want to be an interior designer. That way, I will not only get to decorate bedrooms, but whole houses – and not just my own either. I can hardly wait to tell my parents!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Long Standing Tradition In Interior Designs

Interior design is a profession with a long standing tradition. Everything from office buildings to private homes has been created using various design principles to give a wonderful, lasting impression of beauty and art. When considering how to redesign any interior space it is important to consider just what type of style you will incorporate into the plans right from the beginning. One of the most popular design aspects that has been used for many decades is known as art deco.

Initially art deco was used as a purely decorative style of design and was very popular during the 1920’s and into the late 1930’s. Back then it was viewed as functional, elegant as well as being ultra modern. Art deco is an extremely eclectic style, drawing influences from a variety of different sources. Some of them are considered primitive like Egyptian and African, even Aztec Mexico. Other include streamlined technology like aviation. Binding together with techniques routed in Cubism and Futurism, art deco has a wide range of functionality and expressiveness. A home decorator using this style can be free to do a huge variety of different things in the interior of a space.

The type of materials used in art deco interior design consist of stainless steel, lacquer, aluminum, inlaid wood, even sharkskin and zebra skin. Stemming from this use of harder, metallic materials is the celebration of the machine age. Art deco does this through the repetitive use of these man-made materials and also through symmetry. During the Great Depression the use of art deco saw its heyday because of its practicality and simplicity.

Although its popularity declined shortly after, it has recently enjoyed a rebirth in popularity and there is no reason not to utilize this style when planning any interior design. When you want a classic retro type of look go for art deco. There are so many examples of buildings that use art deco in their design like the Empire State Building, completed in 1931. Many art deco skyscrapers have been torn down but they can still serve as an amazing example of the power and majesty of this design style.

Art deco uses very strong, sharp angles in its application. Thick metal groves inlaid with heavy concrete and full bodied foundations characterize this style of design. When using it within the confides of your home or office building, keep in mind the effect you wish to portray with not only walls but the furniture as well. Because of both the Aztec and Egyptian influences, there is also a heavily pyramidal feeling to a lot of art deco buildings. A gradual step by step lessening of form can give the impression of strength and endurance. This was a great reason why art deco was so popular during the Great Depression. Today it can still have the same kind of impact.

Special Skills For The Personal Interior Designs

Every person wants to be recognized as an individual with special skills, values and talents. These attributes are often displayed in the way we dress, the way we act, the friends we choose and yes, the way we decorate our homes.

For instance, interior designers believe that choosing glass as a means of interior decorating speaks about attributes such as inner beauty, fragility, tenderness and luxury. It's in romantic natures to opt for tiffany lamps or crystal chandeliers. Yet, these are expensive products. Wouldn't it be better to try a little interior decoration of our own?

A personal design mirrors our very essence, hidden feelings and traits we often disregard. Is it safe to expose them? Is it safe to let people know who we really are? Yes, because that's what it takes to make out of interior decorations a real art: to give something to the world, to create.

Creating our own interior design means taking a personal risk. It's not fear, it's just the emotional stress: whether the design we have in mind will come to fruition as we picture it or not, whether people will see it as we do and accept it as a work of art, as a statement of personality or they will just reject it, thus rejecting us.

No matter what, as long as it comes from the heart, this interior design, as any artwork, will be rewarding. Are you willing to take the risk? It would be safe to follow trends, to imitate what you see in magazines. You will not fail: those are professionals; they do interior design for a living. Follow their advice; even hire one if you want, but then, where is your real reward? You'll hear from your friends: "Wow! This is great!" But is this really for you? To do so is to ruin your own talent.

So look inside yourself, think what really matters to you. Let's say you have a thing for dream catchers. So create a design where the dream catcher will fit: ambiguous shapes and shades, obscure lights, fantastic pictures on the walls. If the world you imagine doesn't exist, create your own world! Let your passion drive your mind: don't be afraid to use unusual materials. Anything will do: from broken glass and marbles to tree branches, from dried plants and feathers to paper folds, from broken pieces of a mirror to wood chips or metal accents, from sea shells you color with acrylics to unexpected artworks on canvas.

It's sometimes hard, but don't give up. Great works of art need time and you have time on your side. There's no rush. Your home is your temple, so make it holy for you!

Don't be afraid of what people think. They cannot see the world as you do. They do not feel the same, nor think the same. But when your work is done, astonishing in its beauty, they do not need to understand its meaning but to know it's unique: as unique as its creator - YOU.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Interior Designs - Sets The Mood

So you want to redecorate, you want to create a home with a personal touch, one that can always say "welcome", ease your worries, render you happy, chill you or calm you down.

You can do it: with the right light.

Stop skimming through fancy magazines. If you don't have the money and the skills to replicate those wonders, you'll end up with an interior that lacks your personal touch. Instead, use your imagination. Design the interior of your home according to your special wishes.

Let's say you like blue, but you already have some new white furniture and it makes no sense to replace it. Or maybe you just want to avoid the hassle of selling it (and get way below its value) and buying new. Whatever your reasons, you can still get the "blue" mood your desire through light: controllable light.

We are not talking dimmers. We are talking full color control options. We are talking LED lights and mood lights.

LEDs are no longer the kitschy, flashy annoying lights that were used a few years ago to catch our attention towards a new product. LEDs are no longer used solely for traffic lighting and automotive lighting. LEDs are now used in light therapy, mood lighting, accent lighting, landscape lighting, building illumination and so on. Because LEDs are economic, environmentally friendly (they do not pollute: there are no UV emissions, no IR emissions - unless built so - no noise emissions) energy saving and provide for flexibility of design, but, above all, LEDs are controllable! RGB (red, green, blue) LEDs, based on what engineers call "the three chip technology" are able to display over 16 million colors - more than human eyes can see. LEDs are wonderful and their light. beyond description!

The best part is that you can choose from thousands of LED products the one you can afford and still have exclusive, somehow unique illumination to astonish your guests and to create the right mood in your home.

For example, look for controllable LED cubes - not those you can use as ice cubes for your cocktails (yeah, that's possible too!), but those you can use to replace your coffee table. For example, NeoNeon offers LED mood light cubes you can use as chandeliers, while My-tronic offers LED cubes in different sizes, for several uses. While Traxon is the "real deal" when it comes to mood lights, they are still a little too expensive. Many other companies offer similar products for affordable prices. You just need to browse the web and order what best fits your design expectations: LED tubes, LED stripes, LED spots, LED wall panels or, why not. LED ropes (Think Christmas! - Think safe lighting!). Just remember to search for "controllable" LED light sources.

Why? Because you want to CONTROL light, to set the light color you want: blue to relax, red to create a romantic, appealing atmosphere, green to bathe a room in the color of hope, purple, violet or pink. You want to be able to dim the light or make it brighter. You can even create the rainbow with a controllable LED light source, or any other light effect! You want a light source for the years to come, one that can look different every day.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bathroom Decoration Ideas

The bathroom is a necessary room in the house but it should be more than functional. I like to have a big bathroom that I can relax in. The ambience must be chilled and the Bathroom Decoration ideas should reflect that. It's the room in the house that you can escape to. You can pamper yourself with a long soak in the tub by the light of some scented candles. That's the perfect end to my day.

I hate a bathroom, or any other room for that matter, that's cluttered. It must be tidy and spacious. A sunken tub would be nice and one of those shower units that have a skylight above them. It gives the illusion that you're showering in fresh rain. Bathroom Decoration ideas must pay attention to color. I like soft, neutral colors in the bathroom. I don't want anything bright giving me a migraine in the mornings. I'm not very good in the mornings. I need a dark green, subtle lemon shade or terracotta.

The bathroom fittings must be modern and shiny. I don't want to pretend I'm in some Victorian parlor room. Some leafy plants would be nice. Bathroom Decoration ideas for the 21st century should be minimalist with a complete ban on any corny motifs. Fish, boats and seashells are out. If I want that sort of thing, I'll go to the beach. Brass fittings would be ok as long as they're not too ornate.

The bathroom must be easy to clean. No rugs or fancy drapes. The walls must be fully tiled, with maybe one wall fitted with mirror tiles. I'm not vain, it just gives a sense of space! I know all these home make over shows are obsessed with stencils. These don't fit in with my Bathroom Decoration ideas. I want plain tiles as God intended them.

Speaking of make over shows, some of them have inspirational ideas including inventive Bathroom Decoration ideas. However, others are barking mad. I saw one the other day that featured the apartment of a young, trendy couple who had designed the whole place. Admittedly, the apartment was gorgeous and very tastefully decorated. It was the bathroom facilities that were weird. This couple didn't like walls and the entire apartment was open plan. Their bath tub was extra large so it could comfortably fit the two of them in, and it was plonked in the apartment for all to see. Even more bizarrely, the toilet was on the other side of the master bedroom, behind a wall but a very thin, see thru glass one. The husband explained that this unusual state of affairs was because he wanted to continue his conversation when his wife was taking a call of nature. Bathroom Decoration ideas with a hint of eccentricity.